3 Awesome Things You Can Learn From Lilly Singh (How to be a Bawse)

Lilly Singh isn't just a superstar. She's a superwoman. A youtube sensation with 11 million subscribers. She recently came out with her book "How to be a Bawse".

Unlike many of the monotonous inspirational books, this book is amazingly easy to read self-help book. It is a definitive guide to conquering life. No hopeful thoughts, lucky charms or cute quotes. Success and happiness require real effort, dedication and determination. In Lilly's world, there are no escalators, only stairs. Get ready to climb.

Here are 3 awesome things that you can learn from Lilly Singh:


Video games are a great analogy for life. You go through different levels, get thrown off by the obstacles, and face several enemies. The game will become harder and harder, but it's okay because you become smarter, faster and more skilled. The enemies will keep coming, the walls will keep shrinking, and the time will keep ticking away. It's your job to navigate your character through the situation you cannot control.

That's exactly how you should view life. A Bawse understands that there are many things in life you have no control over and it is inefficient to become frustrated by that reality. If you can't control people, then control your reaction to them. If you can't control a situation, then prepare for it.


Life can really tough sometimes. There is a switch within all of us that we can flick from SURVIVE to CONQUER. Even though we need to survive sometimes, we shouldn't get too comfortable in our life jackets.

Don't just try to pass your classes; try to ace them. Don't just aim to pay your bills; save enough to travel. I don't want you to write a script just to see a movie get made; I want you to win an Oscar. That's the difference between settling like a survivor and conquering like a Bawse.

So if you're drowning, keep your life jacket on and fight. But once you're able to swim, don't convince yourself you forget how to. Take your life jacket off, front-crawl your way to the shore, walk off that beach, and set your GPS to the top of the hill, because you will conquer the climb.

If you're funny you shouldn't have to notify people that you are funny. If you're nice, you don't have to tell people you're nice; they will be able to see that.

Words lie, actions can lie too. Consistency speaks the truth. Talking about something doesn't make it true. And action is only meaningful if it's consistent. A Bawse knows that if you want to be taken seriously, you need to show people who you are and keep showing them.

Don't tell your boss you work hard; let your work prove it. Don't just tell your girlfriend you're loyal; be loyal. Don't tell your opponent you're going to knock them out; just knock them out.

Talk is cheap, so leave it at the thrift store. 
